Our installations

Six KBA Rapida 105 presses at Blitz-Pack (Kyiv)

Four KBA Rapida 105 presses at Blitz-Print (Kyiv)

Four KBA Compacta 215 presses at Blitz-Print (Kyiv)

Two KBA Compacta 618 presses at Blitz-Print (Kyiv)

Three KBA Rapida 105, two Rapida 74 and one Rapida 75 at PK Ukraina (Kyiv)

Two KBA Rapida 105 presses at Presa Ukrainy (Kyiv)

KBA Rapida 105 at PK Zorya (Kyiv)

Two KBA Rapida 105 presses at Kolorit (Kyiv)

KBA Rapida 74 at Wolf (Kyiv)

KBA Performa 66 at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

KBA Rapida 162 and Rapida 105 at LunaPack (Dnipropetrovsk)

KBA Rapida 105 Hybrid at Vesna (Dnipropetrovsk)

KBA Rapida 74 at Balance-Club (Dnipropetrovsk)

KBA Rapida 74 at Zorya (Dnipropetrovsk)

KBA Rapida 105 and Rapida 74 at Salta (Simferopol)

KBA Rapida 105 and Rapida 75 at Novyi mir (Donetsk)

KBA Rapida 74 at Pack Impex (Kharkiv)

KBA Rapida 105 Universal at Unipack (Kharkiv)

KBA Rapida 74 at Ladex (Lviv)

KBA Rapida 74 at NPPC (Odesa)

KBA Rapida 74 at Zirka plus (Chernihiv)

KBA Rapida 74 at AIR-Poligraf (Pryluky)

Two KBA Rapida 105 Universal presses at Bilotserkivska knyzhkova fabryka

KBA Rapida 74 at Estet-design (Kishinev)

KBA Rapida 74 at Finansovye bumagi (Kishinev)

KBA Performa 66 at Crio (Criuleni)

KBA Rapida 74 at Privoz Print (Zaporizhia)

KBA Rapida75E at Priazovskii rabochii (Mariupol)